

At SureGreen we believe it's our responsibility to pass our knowledge along to others. The more we all know about green the better. Sharing the green message can lead to less dependence on foreign energy, improved local and national economies and preserving the worlds resources for future generations. We could care less about the debate on global warming or political posturing. No matter what side of the debate you are on, as citizens of the world we are stewards of the earth's resources and green is the right thing to do!

We are developing educational resources for owners and building professionals. Visit our web site from time to time for future offerings. We are available for speaking engagements to organizations. Call us to discuss your program needs and we will craft a message that works for your group (unless it's the National Energy Wasters Down with the Environment Club).

Consulting Services

This one speaks for itself. If you need an expert to advise you or your company regarding anything related to green construction give us a call. We can inform customers about what is available, how to get it and the best methods and sources to implement it. Oh yeah, we can also tell you what it will cost.

Energy Audits

If your energy bills are too high and you want to find out what can be done to improve performance, an energy audit is the place to start. Audits can range from a visual inspection and review of utility costs to a series of available tests and reports. One method of testing is a blower door test that will evaluate how much air is leaking into or out of a structure and identify where it is happening. Test results are used to develop strategies to improve efficiency. Other tests are available and are recommended on a case by case basis. SureGreen does audits on a fee basis customized for the specifics of each customer's needs and goals.